Some time away…

10 Nov

This past weekend my family and I got away. We left Wednesday night and headed out for a long weekend. We tugged the 5th wheel trailer along and went to a place where you have to run generators to get electricity. There are no phone lines or wifi access. We were completely unplugged. And….I loved it! The one-on-one quality time with my family was much-needed and we made memories that will last a lifetime. Even headed out for a 3+ mile run early one morning~ GORGEOUS!

I think we all need to try to get unplugged every now and then~ it’s good for the body and it’s good for the soul. We are so tied up with facebook, blogs, television, internet access, cell phones, texting….the list is essentially endless (and every year it seems to get worse!) Yes, I think technology has added a lot to our lives, both for the good, but it could also be just as much for the bad. We know SO much information that our brains are on overload!

After a weekend away, I felt completely refreshed, and learned a little bit more about myself. As a stay at home mom, being “wired” is a way to get that social interaction with others that us moms could really use (especially when the kids are throwing fits). But in reality, I spend WAY too much time on-line (family members reading this, stop laughing…I know we’ve discussed this before). I even told my husband, I could do away with the “wires” all together (I know, I know, I’d lose all of you faithful readers). But lets face it, that’s not reality. We have gotten ourselves into places where we need to be wired (how would we pay our bills? or even get my son’s homework?) .  I need to practice a certain fruit of the spirit discussed in Galatians 5:22-23~ self control.

Get rid of it altogether? No, can’t really happen, but learn to set boundaries for myself, yes. So, I’m going to start paying attention to how long I’ve been sitting with the laptop on my lap, and get off! Yes, I’ll still blog~ some might be short and sweet (to the point!)  so you’ll still see me around!

One Response to “Some time away…”

  1. Heather November 18, 2010 at 9:35 am #

    How funny, I just blogged about this yesterday with my little getaway. I totally agree 🙂 But PS we’re addicted… were blogging about getting off the computer 🙂

    On the look out for a good Surf City plan too. I have all the same questions!

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